13 October 1789: (Failed) Interview with Necker

Tuesday 13. —This Morning employed in making Calculations and Estimates, preparatory to an Interview with Mons.r Necker. Mess.rs Le Couteulx, who were to be with me at two, do not arrive till near three. A short Conversation on the Propositions to be made, then Cantellux and I go together to Mr. Necker’s to dine. He is sombre et triste. The Affair of Subsistence presses heavy. At Dinner Madame de Stahl seats herself next to me and repeats part of the Conversation of the other Day at Madame de Flahaut’s. The Count Louis de Narbonne has told it to her. I apologize for my Share of it, and add that I had rather say twice as much to her Face. My Apology, which is the Reverse of an Excuse, is accepted and she asks why I do not come to see her. — ‘C’est long Temps, Madame, que je desire avoir cet honneur là.’ — Some civil Things on both Sides and I am to visit this Evening. Mr. Neckar is so engrossed by the Affair of Subsistence that we cannot speak to him upon the other Subject. I tell Cantellux that I think it best not to appear urgent and he agrees in that Idea. (…) This has been but a disagreable Day. This Morning it rained and this Evening also it rains. Cold and raw.

A diary of the French revolution, by Gouverneur Morris, 1752-1816. Ed. by Beatrix Cary Davenport. Vol. 1 (Boston, 1939), p. 256-257.

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